Lyndsey Marie

Weekdays, 9:30am - 2:30pm

Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day and how fitting, it’s been exactly a month since my Sister’s husband took his own life. He’s been part of mine for over 6 years. Camping trips, Florida trips, bonfires and beers. I’d be lying if I told you I don’t think about him every hour of my day. The guilt, anguish, and empathy I carry for him and for my Sister is immeasurable. It’s gotten so bad that I started therapy myself last week to talk about it. To borrow a friend’s quote on therapy, “If you have a car, you have to perform regular maintenance on it. Change tires, oil, brakes. Most of us don’t know how to do those things, so you bring it to someone who does, right? Same thing with the brain. Going 1000 miles a minute everyday doesn’t come without some wear and tear. So we take it to a professional who can help us out with that.”

We have many miles to go, but I wanted to share my story and tell you you’re not alone.

If you feel like there’s something wrong, it’s time to fix it.

If you feel like you’re beyond fixing, you’re not. Call 1-800-273-8255.


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