The Loop

The Loop wants YOU for our 40th anniversary celebration

The Loop’s celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2017 (What’s that you say? We don’t look a day over 25? Flatterer.)

We’re working on something cool, and want to make sure Loyal Loopers are part of it.

We especially want pictures… do you have:

*Pictures from Loop events (Loopfest? The Loop stage of ChicagoFest? Loopstock? Johnny & the Leisure Suits shows?)

*Pictures of you in a Loop t-shirt (any era)


*Pictures of Loop hosts at Loop events


*Pictures of Loop concerts through the years

AWOLNation Cubbie Bear

We also want your stories. Tell us about your history with the Loop. When did you first listen?  What’s your most lasting memory? Who’s that one on-air personality that you had to (or have to) hear every day? You can type your stories up in an email, or (better yet) send us a YouTube link!


Send stuff to [email protected] and get ready for an anniversary throwdown in 2017!